Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why we went...

Why would a group of people leave their country & their families, give up their vacation time, and go to help build a church?

The answer is in this picture of smiling faces...

We did not go to Belgium just to help with a construction project and work on a physical building for church services. We went to work on a much bigger building project - the one Paul speaks of when he says "In Jesus the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord". We went to serve the people that make up the church of Diepenbeek. They are our friends and are part of our family, even though we live in different countries and speak different languages (well most of the Belgians could speak English too) we are "fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household".

We went so that the people in the church of Diepenbeek could have a place where they could go and:

  • worship the God we all love

  • invite the lost to hear about the God that loves them

  • fellowship and love one another

  • grow in their faith as they hear the Word of God

In return for all that we gave we received encouragement through the prayers and support of our local church body CBC, and saw Jesus' love returned as the people of Deipenbeek showed us hospitality as they took us in and cared for us.

Praise and Thanks to God and each of you who supported and prayed for us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a christian ex-exchange student to Belgium. I just want to encourage you guys for what you've done! The church in Europe, Belgium especially (or at least in Ghent where I was living) is small and the input and facilities that you guys provide is of inestimable value! God Bless you all.